White, whiter, white

Did you know that RAL 9010 is the most commonly used color in construction and among painters?
That is the number of white with a dot of yellow also called offwhite or off-white.

Photo credits and source Google

Did you know that white is not always pure WHITE, but with a dot of yellow, blue or red so that it looks cooler or warmer?

During our time as color consultants providing color advice in hardware stores for Histor and Flexa, we noticed a great resistance, almost a kind of fear, to using colors on walls.
The colors people then often pointed to were the beige and nude (= very soft pink to beige) shades or grays towards white shades. Everything very carefully and preserved for fear it wouldn’t look right.
We found that it was often quite a chore to give people the confidence that if they could create harmony and tranquility in their homes with the right colors chosen, and that white was not always the only option.

You also see this resistance in housing programs when contestants have to relinquish control. That they are often most concerned about the use of color than about other things that will be addressed, such as the shape of the sofa or how much storage space they will have.
Whereas color is just so atmospheric and you can make your house more of a home.
It is then indicated that they do not want blue or red or orange, for example, and in their minds they will soon come home to a kind of villa Kakelbont full of bright colors.
While they know quite well that 9 times out of 10 such a thing does not happen, the wishes of the participant or client are really taken into account.
And the great thing is that at the end, when everything is completely styled, participants often say : “Oh how beautiful it is” or “I couldn’t have thought of that myself.”
Which just goes to show that that resistance and fear is unfounded and if you find it really disappointing then the brush is so grabbed.

After all, what if everything were white?
What if the sky was white, the grass, the food, what if everything you saw was white and clinical?
Color adds depth to what we see, which is exactly what brings our world to life, especially on sunny days when the colors are very bright.

Perhaps you also find choosing colors for your home quite difficult and it might be helpful to know exactly how colors are created now. With this knowledge, you can better weigh your color choices.


Color theory

Colors are made up of primary, secondary and tertiary colors.

*Primarycolors are: red, blue and yellow.
These colors are the purest colors and you cannot get these colors by mixing. For example, red as a color is first perceived by babies.

*Secondarycolors are: green, orange and purple.
These are a blending of the primary colors.
Yellow + blue = green
Red + blue = purple
Red + yellow = orange

*Tertiarycolors are the colors you get when you combine primary and secondary colors.
From this arise, for example, eggplant, browns and turquoise.

Black and white are two separate cases, are they colors or not?
Technically, they are not colors, but nuances.
Just a simple explanation; white reflects all colors from the spectrum (rainbow) and so black absorbs all colors.

Photo credits and source Google

While it is helpful to know how colors are created, how do you use color wisely in your home and avoid disappointment?
So how do you choose a color or multiple colors? Histor alone has a color range with 1,250 colors, take your pick.
Now it’s impractical to give a color recommendation in a blog because it depends on many different factors, but we can give pointers that will definitely benefit you a lot.
There are a number of useful tips and tricks and of course the paint brands are happy to give you a hand by already having thought out color combinations for you that you can use very well with each other.


Tip 1 the 60-30-10 rule

This rule is actually quite simple and super helpful because it already gives you a clear handle right away.
How it works; you choose three colors that work together to provide more balance and more color of course.
You use the first color for 60% of the space, the second color for 30% and the third for 10% of the space.
The first color is a primary color, the second is a secondary color and the third is meant as an accent color to dot the i’s.

You can choose shades that are close together for more tranquility or colors that are each other’s contrast for more spice. (see “complementary colors” below)

Photo credits Postergirls via Canva

In this example, you can see that the blue shade (primary color) is 60%, the green shade (secondary color) is 30% and the pink/orange and gold are the 10% accent colors for the finishing touch.
For accent colors, think of home accessories such as lamps, side tables, candle holders, pillows, candles and artwork.
In this example, we chose to keep it quiet and the accents are allowed to pop.
As mentioned, you can also opt for more contrast so it pops more, but just what you like.

Tip 2. Ton sur ton

A very useful tip is ton sur ton use or tone on tone: here a color is made one step lighter or darker each time and these colors are always from the same color family and never clash.
Consider a color strip, it goes from light to dark of the same color. To spice things up, choose a contrasting color for home accessories.

Photo credits Canva

Tip 3. Complementary colors

These colors are opposite each other in the color circle, these colors give the strongest contrast and they reinforce each other.
These are powerful color combinations that some find clashing and others love because of the spice it gives.
It’s up to you to decide if you do want some contrast or if you think it’s all to much.
These are the complementary colors:
-blue and orange
-red and green
-purple and yellow

Tip 4. Dark light combinations

If you use light colors or shades, it is more exciting to add a slightly darker color or shade as well, this gives depth to your interior. The safest way to do this is tone on tone where you can skip some color tones.

Photo credits and source Sigma coatings

Tip 5. Warm-cold contrast

If you want your home to feel warm, choose warm colors and tones. But by choosing a slightly cooler color with it, it makes the whole look much more exciting and also gives contrast.
Warm colors are: yellow, yellow-orange, orange, red-orange, red and red-purple.
Cool colors are: purple, purple-blue, blue, blue-green, green and yellow-green.

For example, if you love shades of green and blue and are afraid it will feel too cold, opt for a grayer/weaker version and choose rich warm fabrics.

Tip 6. Watch out for harsh dominant contrasts (on the walls)

Hard contrasts include white, black, red or a combination of the primary colors.
These combinations and colors can seem very harsh and are definitely not for everyone. They do not curse with each other, but they give a harsh tone and are very dominant.
If you like this now, choose some toned-down versions such as burgundy with a soft white with a dot of red.

Tip 7. Find colors in accessories

Now if you find using color really difficult or tricky or you can’t agree with your roommates, look for it in home accessories.
Alternate solid fabrics with designs and patterns. Choose structures.
You can keep this very modest or go all out to be eclectic.
Here you can also take into account the tips we have given here.
So combine warm and cool tones or mix complementary colors.

White will remain the most chosen color because it is so nice and easy and neutral.
But with these handles, you can think a little better about color and how to apply it without ending up in your own villa cake, provided you like that of course 😉

Photo credits and source Pinterest – Before & After_ Amelia’s Victorian Terrace Colorful & Maximalist Living Room – Audenza

Here is an example of 60% primary color blue, with the accents in the accessories such as the pink neon heart and pink plant. With some nice eye-catching artwork and sculpture, this dark blue is totally lifted.

Color and emotions

Colors are fun, colors are scary, colors are playful, colors are ….
Not coincidentally, people respond best to color with emotion. It could just be that you are watching a home decorating program and think, “what a horrible color on the wall say.”
Very human because colors also evoke emotions and associations, because again what if everything were white. Would you have to think about white tomato soup?

Green vegetables indicate healthy and a red road sign gives a warning. These feelings we know and understand as human beings and that also makes it easy, you know that way what is right and what is dangerous.
For example, animals often have camouflage colors to be especially unobtrusive so as not to fall prey, and soldiers camouflage themselves so as not to be seen by the enemy.
These are all feelings that colors evoke in us. For example, studies have shown that using color in hospitals gives the impression of larger, more pleasant and cleaner spaces.

Here some colors with their linked emotions and associations:
-Blue = cool, loyal, bright
-Brown = stability, earthy
-Red = strength, passion, aggression, warmth, love
-Orange = active, safety, cheerfulness
-Yellow = creativity, sun, summer, lightness
-Green= healthy, rest, growth, nature
-Pink = femininity, softness
-Purple = wealth, luxury, quality
-Grey = elegant, neutral, boring
-Black = chic, glamorous, camouflage, businesslike
-White = cleanliness, virginity, purity

What is your favorite color and why really?

An interesting and certainly important question, what is your favorite color?
Why? What kind of feeling does that color give you?
What attracts this color so much to you and is this a color you like to wear or have you also applied this color in your home?
We can’t give you an answer there, because that’s different for everyone, but it might be something to think about.
Why is your eye drawn to that color and what does that say about you?
Do you want to cover something or highlight something? Do you want to stand out or stand out?
Colors can trigger a lot of things but we want to conclude; colors are fantastic!

Please let us know in the comments what your favorite color is, we love it!